Floral Scroll

Monday, April 4, 2011

Very Low Calorie Day 1 (VLCD1)

202 lbs

Wooooooow......ok so that is huge gain. OMG but it's cool! (Whew, sweating hard) I knew this was going to happen. It is suppose to but goodness gracious did I have to be back in the 2s man. Come on!!!! ahhhh

Ok I'm done bugging out now!

I had a good day a little tired in the morning. It was kinda tough. I don't really like black coffee but I drank all of it. Thank goodness for Stevia (english toffee flavor). Got down some water and now I want to EAT. Really I'm not hungry at all but I'm missing the habit of my chocolate chip cookie lol! Yeah I know that's why I wasn't losing weight but whatever.

I got to get a good rhythm with this meal thing:

Water (throughout the day)

Grilled Chicken (pre-cooked Sunday)
Drizzled Apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste

In aluminum foil Lemon, Oregano, Garlic Salt & pepper pour over food and grilled in oven for 20 minutes. Very Tasty

Green Tea w/stevia and an orange before bed!


  1. Are you using raw apple cider vinegar? Bragg's is a good brand and has a ton of health benefits! We use it for everything. How are you dealing with the stevia?(YUCK!!)

  2. I know stevia isn't so great but it's better than nothing at all! Yes I love the Braggs brand. I get it from the whole food store in Newark. It has been giving my food great flavor. I am actually loving my meals right now.
