So I have decided to start this controversial diet. I did my research for the past month. There are absolutely NO side effects and contrary to what the FDA says it's 100% safe. Sadly we know not to trust them they have approved many drugs and surgeries now and in the past where side effects are less then favored including DEATH.
HCG has been used since 1957 just not for weight loss. It is mainly recognized for early male issues and infertility in women! There is so much information and I cannot possibly cover it all. If you want to know the details read pounds and inches first. It’s very interesting but I'm excited. My journey has begun. Tomorrow I start day 1 which is my load day.
I am doing the 40 day protocol. I will list each days weight and what was eaten, exercise if any, and how I was feeling. This is going to be awesome!
I have your back 100% in this journey. Hopefully i will be starting soon!